Children Behavior with Type 1 Diabetes: A Mini Review


  • Lopamudra Mishra
  • Lizasmita Patel
  • Neha Bhatia


Type 1 diabetes, parents, child, diagnosis.


To synthesise the qualitative evidence on parents’ experiences of caring for a child aged ≤8 years with type 1 diabetes to identify: the challenges they encounter; their views about support received; ways in which support could be improved; and, directions for future research. The synthesis resulted in the generation of two overarching themes. Monopolisation of life describes the all-encompassing impact diabetes could have on parents due to the constant worry they experienced and the perceived need for vigilance. It describes how parents’ caring responsibilities could affect their wellbeing, relationships and finances, and how a lack of trusted sources of childcare and a desire to enable a ‘normal’ childhood constrained personal choices and activities. However, use of diabetes technologies could lessen some of these burdens. Experiences of professional and informal support describes how encounters with healthcare professionals, while generally perceived as helpful, could lead to frustration and anxiety, and how connecting with other parents caring for a child with type 1 diabetes provided valued emotional and practical support.


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How to Cite

Lopamudra Mishra, Lizasmita Patel, & Neha Bhatia. (2022). Children Behavior with Type 1 Diabetes: A Mini Review. International Journal of Progressive Research in Science and Engineering, 3(08), 34–37. Retrieved from


